Great!  Another Realtor…….

Ok – so I’m quoting myself from 5 years ago, so I get it.

When this “transition or pivot” in career choices came about, the last thing I ever imagined was that I’d be “one of them”.  I’m a guy who was courteous on the countless solicitation phone calls received, made paper airplanes out of mailers etc., but honestly, what in the hell did I know about real estate? I didn’t want to be them…or did I????

Sure, we own three properties, but those investments were made with the direction of my beautiful bride who saw the value homes and long-term stability financially. She is the one that should have “made the pivot”. Not me…I was a TV guy. But alas, here we are and I’M LOVING IT!!!!!

Coming from a broadcast TV sales management background, there were countless instances where many of the same tools are needed to be successful in real estate.  Market knowledge, trends, “reading a room”, personalities, compassion and compromise. But, I knew that those would be the least of my concerns. Preparation has always come naturally, and I’m sure there is a script for new agents that say these things. My only true goal was to drive home in a very short window of introduction time; I can only promise you two things:  1. Honesty and 2. Ethics. Beyond that, the rest will play itself out as the purchase / selling journey continues.

When I meet new clients for the first time, in a direct way (unfortunately, I never mastered a true smooth approach) I simply state that I have 100% confidence in my ability to do the very best for you, educate you on the area, and I am going to tell you what you need to hear, and not what you want to hear. You see, for some reason, every home I have been a part of selling or buying thus far, I’ve gone in with the mindset of “this is my money, would I buy / sell this home?”  If the answer is no, see next paragraph.

Let’s circle back to reading a room. When you look the client in the eye and tell them it’s time to move on, this place isn’t worth it for these reasons. It’s usually met with an interesting look and response.  “But we love it!”  No, you love the cool kitchen, but the rest of the house is a mess. Did you ever have a time when you were walking home from school with a report card you knew was gonna get your precious ass tanned?  Slowly handing it over to your parents and watching the color slowly drain away from their faces???  Same thing on some of these “chats” I’ve had with clients. But alas, the tushy heals and the ideal and perfect home presents itself. Time & Patience (grounding) are amazing things.

So, in a nutshell, this is who I am. What you see is what you get!  Now, for the first time in forever, I wake up excited to go to work and help other people with the biggest decisions / investments they may make in their lifetime. And then I go home, put my head on the pillow and sleep like a champ knowing they got the very best from me and that I’ll be there for them tomorrow and 20+ years from now for any and all needs.

Ideally, my future blogs are a helpful resource for you on the market, but also beyond Real Estate. Coming soon, blogs will include a journey with me on a renovation project on the Hermosa Strand at my listing located at 2340 The Strand, Hermosa Beach CA. This will be a major undertaking with a beautiful conclusion!!!!